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Where do I get Video, Audio, and Frame files?

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Daphne uses mpeg2 (or mpeg1) video files in conjunction with Ogg Vorbis audio files. Frame files are files that map the video/audio files to laserdisc frame numbers.

Creating Video/Audio Files


  • A laserdisc from a laserdisc arcade game
  • A laserdisc player
  • A video capture card such as the ATI TV Wonder 650
  • About 30 gigs of free hard drive space
  • Windows (video editing on other platforms is possible but beyond the scope of this document)

Capture your laserdisc

Capture the entire laserdisc proposal software using your video capture card, in as high of quality as your hardware will allow. (refer to your capture card documentation for details)

Edit and Prepare

The rest of these instructions will assume that you have an AVI capture of the laserdisc. If your video is in an mpeg format, you can use a program like flaskmpeg or dvd2avi to convert it to AVI.

About AVI creation: When creating an AVI file, you should always use the HuffYUV [1] codec whenever possible.

The only two reasons not to use HuffYUV is if you are low on disk space or you simply don't care about the image quality of the video that you are editing.

If you know how to do video editing, and wish to do some editing, now is the time. Video editing is not necessary, so these instructions won't discuss it any further. However, once you've successfully gotten Daphne working with your own laserdisc capture, you may want to learn some video editing tricks to improve the image quality of your video.

About video editing: A free, proven method for editing video is to use Virtualdub [2] in conjunction with the HuffYUV codec.

This is one of the main reasons we recommend using AVI's.

Make the Video File

You most likely will need to resize your video to a different resolution than the 720x480 that you captured it in. We won't actually do this yet. For now, you should take note of the resolution that your video will need to be in. Here is a chart of the resolution your mpeg needs to be in to be used with DAPHNE (each game is different):

Disc Name Resolution
Astron Belt 512x480
Badlands 640x480
Bega's Battle 512x480
Cliff Hanger 640x480
Cobra Command 512x480
Dragon's Lair * see below
Dragon's Lair 2 * see below
Esh's Aurunmilla 512x480
Galaxy Ranger 512x480
GP World 512x480
Interstellar 512x480
MACH 3 512x480
Road Blaster 512x480
Space Ace * see below
Star Blazer 512x480
Super Don Quixote 512x480
Thayer's Quest * see below
Us vs Them 512x480

Items marked with a * can be in any resolution, but performance will be best if they are in the same resolution that you run DAPHNE in (usually 640x480). You have been warned!

You are now ready to create the final .m2v file. An easy way to do this by using tmpgenc [3]. Tmpgenc has many options, most of which you don't need to worry about. The two things you must do are:

  • Set the proper output size for your game (using the above chart, click on Setting in tmpgenc and go to the Video tab)
  • Set the Stream Type to be ES (Video Only), not to be confused with System (Video Only)

You can experiment with the other options to see which ones you like. When you are satisfied with your configuration, click the big Start button and kick back and relax. This can take a while.

About cartoon-based laserdisc games : Most cartoon games will look better if they are converted from 29.97 fps to their original 23.976 fps (namely Dragon's Lair and Space Ace). This is known as performing an 'inverse telecine' on the video. Since this is not required, we won't say anymore about it here.

Make the Audio File

Daphne uses the Ogg Vorbis codec for audio. The first step is to extract the uncompressed .WAV audio file from your .AVI. Virtualdub [4] handles this task quite nicely. From within Virtualdub, just open your AVI, then go to File->Save As WAV.

You will need to convert this .WAV file to Ogg Vorbis format. Make sure the audio is stereo, 16-bit, and 44.1 kHz. If your audio stream is at 48 KHz, for example, you'll need to use a tool like Sound Forge to resample down to 44.1 kHZ. If you don't know what format your .WAV file is in, a simple audio editing program should be able to provide that information for you.

Once you've ensured that your .WAV file is in the proper format (44.1 kHz, 16-bit, stereo), you can use an ogg encoder [5] to convert the .WAV file to an .OGG file. Sound Forge can also save directly to .OGG for those of you so inclined.

Put your .m2v file and your .ogg file into the same folder

You should now have a .m2v file, and an .ogg file. Make sure that these files are located in the same directory and that they have the same name except for the suffix. For example, you could have a video file called mymovie.m2v and an audio file called mymovie.ogg stashed in a directory called stuff.

Frame Files

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