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As it stands today, the VLDP-HW solution consists of two parts:

  1. The controller
  2. The media server

These two parts communicate via a serial cable running at 115200 bits per second.

The Controller

This consists of a PCB with an Atmel AVR microcontroller on it, along with RCA video input and output jacks, and interfaces matching the laserdisc players that are being replaced. Its job is to communicate with original arcade game hardware (such as a Dragon's Lair PCB) and mimic the original laserdisc player's behavior which it (the controller) is replacing.

AVR Fuse Bits

Just for future reference, when hooking up an AVR to an external crystal, the fuse bit setting should be: Full Swing, Crystal Oscillator (and I prefer slowly rising power just to be safe). See the AVR datasheet for details about what these settings mean. Remember to disable the clock divider that is shipped by default (CLKDIV).

The media server

This consists of a typical linux-based PC running a stripped-down version of DAPHNE that will listen for commands on the serial port and display fields/frames and play audio as it receives commands. The speed of the PC will be more than adequate to present the video and audio at the full speed of the original laserdisc player, and any track/field can be skipped to out of sequence in order to support tricky requirements for games such as Firefox.

Enabled s-video on Beagleboard xM

There is a lot of conflicting documentation about how to enable s-video mode on the beagle broad.

Here is the current method I use until I can find a more permanent method:

  • Plug in a serial port to the beagleboard and fire up a term program at 115200 bps, 8N1.
  • Boot the beagle broad.
  • the serial port will show boot up information and allow you to interrupt the boot process
  • hit a key and interrupt the boot process
  • Then paste this information at the prompt:
setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console} ${optargs} mpurate=${mpurate} buddy=${buddy} vram=${vram} omapfb.mode=tv:ntsc omapdss.def_disp=tv root=${mmcroot} rootfstype=${mmcrootfstype}'

If you don't put in tv:ntsc (for example if you just put 'tv') it seems to default to PAL mode instead.

Type "printenv" by itself to see current environment variables. You may need to modify these instructions slightly depending on what install you're using.

Resources for OpenMAX jpeg decoding

I haven't figured out the best way to do hardware jpeg decoding, but OpenMAX may be a promising avenue.

Here are some links of sample source code:



Raspberry pi stuff:




Beagleboard/OMAP stuff:



Chromium has some openmax stuff in it:


Serial Communications

The communication protocol used by the controller and media server is as follows:

All communication, regardless of which direction it is going, must conform to the following structure:

An array of bytes:

 1 'sync' byte: must always will be 00
1 byte indicating length of data
1 byte which is the length of data XOR'd by 255 (to quickly verify correct length of packet)
 N bytes (the data itself)
 2 bytes representing CCITT CRC-16 of the preceding data

So for example, a complete "packet" might look like this:

00 01  FE 00 E1 F0

Typical Flow

The controller upon startup will load its previous settings from EEPROM and immediately begin emulating a laserdisc player so that the arcade hardware has something to talk to. If it has no settings in its EEPROM, then it will default to emulating a LD-V1000 using a laserdisc with a 2:2 VBI pattern. The controller will begin sending commands over the serial port to the media server, which will initially be lost while the media server boots. However, this is okay because the media server is designed to be tolerant of missed/dropped commands.

Meanwhile, the media server will be booting up. Once it finishes booting, it must send a S)tatus command to the controller to see what settings the controller is currently using. If the controller is found to be using the same settings as the media server, the media server will just start processing commands sent from the controller. This is the typical use case. If the media server finds that the controller is using different settings, then the media server will send a H)ello command which contains new information about which laserdisc player to emulate and what type of VBI patterns the emulated disc should have.

If a user modifies settings of the media server (via web browser) while it is running, the media server should send another H)ello command to change the settings of the controller to match. This will most likely require a reset of the arcade hardware too.

Commands from controller to media server

Each command starts with an ASCII letter and proceeds with one or more bytes.

Command letter Name Description Example
A Audio Update The A will be followed by a single byte. If bit 0 is set, it means the left audio channel is enabled. If bit 1 is set, it means the right audio channel is enabled. If either or both bits are cleared, it means the respective audio channel is muted. All other bits are reserver and must be 0. 0x00 0x02 0xFD 0x41 0x02 0x3 0xB0 <-- right audio channel enabled, left channel muted
B Blank Screen A single ASCII 'B' will indicate to make the screen black, to simulate original behavior during seeking.
D Diagnostics Mode A single ASCII 'D' will be followed by a single byte. If the byte is 00 it means diagnostics mode is turned off, otherwise it means diagnostics mode is turned on. The media server will echo this packet back to the controller so that the controller knows we received it.
E Error log message Same format as regular log command. None, too lazy
F Show Field The F will be followed by 4 bytes in little-endian format representing which absolute field to display. The absolute field is computed by multiplying the track number 2 and adding the relative field (will either be 0 for even or 1 for odd). The field should be displayed during the next vsync on the media server. Audio, if enabled, should be played when the field is displayed. Assuming the media server's video is outputting at 60 Hz, once it gets in sync with the controller it should render a smooth stream of fields and audio because new field commands will be coming in between every field. NOTE: it doesn't matter that the media will be in effect lagged by 1 field, because the user won't notice. The main problem to avoid is displaying the wrong fields because the user will notice that. 0x00 0x05 0xFA 0x46 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xBB 0x55 <-- display absolute field 0x00000001
H Hello The H byte will be sent alone and is used to tell the media server that the controller has just rebooted and may need to have its settings checked.
L Log Message The L will be followed by an ASCII string containing a log message from the controller to the media server. Since the controller's only way to communicate to the outside world is through the serial port, it will log messages through the media server. 0x00 0x03 0xFC 0x4c 0x48 0x69 0xdd 0xba <-- a log message that simply says "Hi"
M Mode Change This means the user pressed the mode button on the PCB. The M will be followed by a single byte representing the new laserdisc player type that the user has selected. The byte will correspond to the laserdisc player types in the media server's hello message. The media server will echo this packet back to the controller so that the controller knows we received it.
S Settings Message This sends back a 0x02 byte (version id corresponding to the information presented here in this wiki), followed by the 2-byte identifier that the media server sent with the last hello command (see hello command described below). If there is no previous record of this, then two 0's will be sent instead. (none, too lazy hehe)

Commands from media server to controller

Each command is a single ASCII letter (for now).

Command letter Name Description
D Diagnostics change acknowledge A mirror of the 'D' command send from the controller so that the controller knows that we got the diagnostics change.
H Hello (Apply new settings) The ASCII 'H' byte will be followed by new settings for the controller, detailed below.
M Mode change acknowledge A mirror of the 'M' command send from the controller so that the controller knows that we got the mode change.
S Request current settings Requests from the controller which settings it is currently using. This is so the media server knows 1) the version of the serial protocol that the controller is using and 2) which laserdisc player and laserdisc the controller is currently emulating.

The media server's Hello command

The media server's H)ello command will be as follows:

  1. 2 byte arbitrary identifier (probably a checksum) chosen by the media server which will be returned when the media server requests a status. This allows the media server to determine whether or not a reset command needs to be sent. (if the controller already has the current disc settings then a reset should not be sent because the arcade hardware would then also need to be reset)
  2. 1 byte indicating which type of laserdisc player to emulate
    1. LD-V1000 Standard
    2. LD-V1000 Badlands modified version
    3. PR-7820
    4. VP931 (Firefox)
    5. PR-8210
    6. PR-8210A
    7. VP932 (Dragon's Lair euro)
    8. VP-380 (Dragon's Lair 2 euro)
    9. Simutrek (Cube Quest)
    10. LD-V8000
    11. LDP-1450
    12. LDP-1000A
    13. VIP9500SG (Astron Belt)
    14. further definitions are forthcoming
  3. 1 byte indicating laserdisc player behavior
    1. Bit 0 is clear if disc spin-up delay is authentic, or 1 is spin-up time is minimal
    2. Bit 1 is clear if seek delay is authentic, or 1 if seek delay is minimal
    3. Bit 2 is clear if screen should go blank during seeks or 1 if screen should hold its last frame during seeks
    4. Bit 3 is set if diagnostics mode is enabled or clear if disabled (new)
    5. Bit 7 is clear if disc is NTSC or 1 if disc is PAL
    6. All other bits are reserved and should be 0
  4. Arbitrary number of bytes containing the compacted VBI data which is described below:

The VBI data of each laserdisc is can usually be described by a few simple patterns and thus compacted down to a small number of bytes.

The first bytes of the compact VBI data will be:

Offset Description
0 Version identifier (will always be 0 for now)
1 The number of "pattern entries" needed to describe the entire VBI. As it will only be a byte, that means only 255 entries are possible. Typical cases show that only 3-5 entries are needed for each disc.
2-5 The total number of fields that the VBI patterns represents, in little-endian format.

After these bytes, 1 or more "pattern entries" will follow. Each entry is 12 bytes long:

  1. 4 bytes describing absolute field where the pattern begins. (unsigned, little endian)
  2. 4 bytes describing the picture number that corresponds to the start of the pattern. This number can be negative! (signed, little endian)
  3. 1 byte describing the pattern itself.
    1. 0=no change
    2. 1=2:2 pattern
    3. 2=2:2 pattern atari styled
    4. 3=2:3 pattern
    5. 4=lead-in pattern
    6. 5=lead-out pattern
    7. 6=repeating zeroes
    8. 7=repeating picture number
  4. 2 bytes describing stop-codes and chapter numbers. Bit 15, if set, means this entry represents a stop code. Bit 14, if set, means this entry has a chapter number associated with it that will continue the duration of the entry. The lower bits (bits 0-bit 13) are the chapter number. If bit 14 is clear, it means there is no chapter number regardless of whether the pattern is "no change". In other words, if a chapter exists, it must always be specified for every entry. This 2-byte value is little endian.
  5. 1 byte indicating the pattern offset. 0 means there is no offset. For 2:2 patterns, this can be a 0 or a 1. For 2:3 patterns this can be a 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. A non-zero offset means that the pattern will start later than at its usual beginning. For example, of the pattern would've been "PicNum0 Empty PicNum1 Empty" for a 2:2 pattern, and the offset was 1, then the pattern would instead be "Empty PicNum1 Empty PicNum2".

Philips VP931 Pin-Out

These need to be confirmed!

Pin Description
9 Ground
10 RDEN' (in) "RDEN lets the CPU know that the host wants to read data, and sets a latch for the player's data bus outputs (so the output is valid for as long as the host keeps RDEN active"
11 DAV (out)
12 DAV' (out)
13 OPRT' (out) [always low, connected through a resistor and transistor to vcc]
14 DATA0
15 DATA1
16 DATA2
17 DATA3
18 DATA4
19 DATA5
20 DATA6
21 DATA7
22 WREN' (in)
23 DAK (out)
24 RESET' (in)
25 5V

Other Philips/Firefox info

Firefox RDEN and WREN

Measured by Neil Ward using scope:

Pin 22 DSK WR is 2.8uS active low
Pin 10 DSK RD is 3uS active low

Ruben's Musings

(from http://www.d-l-p.com/community/forums/archives/default.asp?Action=View&MessageID=16218 ) First of all make sure that the voltages to the game PCB are right. If you are using the Atari "power supply of death" (2x Audio Reg) then get rid of it and use a switching supply (I use a 250W PC type).

The game board will not try to communicate to the LDP unless it knows the LDP is connected and turned on. How it knows it is connected is via the OPRT (Operational) signal, which is an active low open collector input on the LDP. Make sure that the OPRT signal is connected.

A quick way to check to see if the game thinks that the LDP is connected is to disconnect the video cable from the LDP while the communications cable is still connected. The game should watchdog reset and the video should go out of sync. This happens because the game uses the sync from the LDP video for video timing (when the LDP is connected) and if vsync is out by around 3ms or times-out (no video) the game resets.

If you have the signals wired properly (at least OPRT and ground) and the game does not reset with no LDP video connected then check the voltage level of OPRT. If it is +5V the problem is with your LDP (TR6112). If it is 0V then check for 0V on pin 15 on the buffer at 7J on the game CPU PCB. If it is 0V then the buffer is faulty otherwise you have wired OPRT wrong or there is a bad connection somewhere.

If everything above checks out okay then make sure you have the communications signals between the game and the LDP wired correctly. Make sure the reset signal is connected to the LDP as the LDP CPU can crash when the game boots or if it resets. If it still doesn't work then there is either a problem with your game PCB (7J, 6H, 7H, or 2F) or with your LDP (IC6206, IC6207, IC6208, or the processor is not running/crashed).

modifying MAME to get logging information

MAME has a working firefox driver as of the time of this writing and it may be useful to see what its timings are.

To setup a callback for vblank:

static INTERRUPT_GEN( mpo_vblank_interrupt )
UINT64 curr_cycles = device->machine().firstcpu->total_cycles();

and inside MACHINE_CONFIG_START, add

MCFG_CPU_VBLANK_INT("screen", mpo_vblank_interrupt)

To capture when RDEN goes active, look for firefox_disc_read_w (tied to 0x4218) and you can get the current cycles with:

UINT64 curr_cycles = space->machine().firstcpu->total_cycles();

To capture when WREN goes active, look for firefox_disc_write_w (tied to 0x4287) , again getting current cycles with:

UINT64 curr_cycles = space->machine().firstcpu->total_cycles();

IRQ's are fired within video_timer_callback function.

UINT64 u64CurCycles = timer.machine().firstcpu->total_cycles();

FIRQ's are fired within firq_gen callback function.

UINT64 curr_cycles = machine.firstcpu->total_cycles();

To convert total cycles to elapsed milliseconds, use this equation:

double dMilliseconds = (u64TotalElapsedCycles / ((double) (MASTER_XTAL/8))) * 1000.0;

I initially thought it would be MASTER_XTAL/2 for the previous equation but tests showed it was /8. I still don't know why.

To convert milliseconds to current NTSC line number, do:

double dLine = (dMilliseconds / 16.6833) * 262.5;

LD-V1000 Pin-Out

LD-V1000 Pin ATMega324P Pin Description
1 A0 DIO1
2 A1 DIO2
3 A2 DIO3
4 A3 DIO4
7 C1 Command Strobe
11 C0 Status Strobe
12 GND
13 A4 DIO5
14 A5 DIO6
15 A6 DIO7
16 A7 DIO8
17 D3 Enter Signal (must be connected or dragon's lair will not boot)
18 GND
19 GND
20 GND
21 GND
22 GND
23 GND
24 GND
25 GND

modifying MAME to get logging information

MAME emulates the LD-V1000 using the actual ROM so it may be instructive to observe the behavior of mame's emulated ld-v1000 from time to time. Note that MAME's emulation may have problems so it should not be exclusively relied upon.

Open ld-v1000.c in the mame src code and change the following two #defines:

#define LOG_COMMANDS				1

Then just run with the -debug option specified from the command line and the dlair.c driver will also spit out status reads.

DB25 serial port pin-out


  • Direction is from a PC to a modem (DTE to DCE)
  • The only DB25 pins that are typically used (based on observing which pins are swapped for a DB25 null modem cable) are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 20.

Pin Name Direction Corresponding DB9 pin
1 GND (Shield)
2 TXD out 3
3 RXD in 2
4 RTS out 7
5 CTS in 8
6 Data Set Ready (DSR) in 6
7 GND 5
8 Carrier Detect (CD) in 1
11 Select Transmit Channel out
12 Secondary Carrier Detect in
13 Secondary Clear To Send in
14 Secondary Transmit Data out
15 Transmission Signal Element Timing (TCK) in (verify)
16 Secondary Receive Data in
17 Receiver Signal Element Timing (RCK) in (verify)
18 Local Loop Control out
19 Secondary Request to Send out
20 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) out 4
21 Remote Loop Control out
22 Ring Indicator in 9
23 Data signal rate selector out
24 Transmit signal element timing (XCK) out
25 Test Indicator in

PR-8210A interface

The PR-8210A has a PCM serial communications interface, the same as a PR-8210 except it is an electrical connection instead of optical. The PR-8210A has a signal to select control input from the IR interface at the front or the electrical one on the back. The communications interface is one way and it uses an additional signal (video squelch) from the LDP as an ACK on search commands. MACH 3 (and the conversion games) used a different method. The PR-8210 LDPs shipped with those games had their DOC circuitry disabled, and the game used video sync as an ACK after a search.

The PR-8210A also has additional signals for video timing and to control the video output from the LDP. As far as performance, it is no different to a PR-8210. Build quality is less than that of an LD-V1000 since the PR-8210 was aimed at the consumer market.

(see http://www.d-l-p.com/community/forums/archives/default.asp?Action=View&MessageID=51472&Archive=Yes )


Ed Jones

Ed Jones is a 35-year old tax accountant who works for a modest-sized firm. He is married with one child. He was a young boy during the early 80's when arcade games were at their peak. Laserdisc games, in particular, left a deep impression on him which has never really gone away. As a boy he yearned to be in the arcade, watching others play the laserdisc games which were too expensive for him to afford. Now that he has a decent job, he longs to relive his childhood memories by attempting to recreate the atmosphere of the arcades he used to love. He also is interested in sharing this experience with his friends. If money were no object, he would have his own arcade filled with classic games from his childhood and he would regularly host parties in this arcade for his friends to see what Ed's childhood was like and why he loves it so much. He is very busy and does not have time to fix broken games. He needs his games to "just work" and look just like they did when he was a child: brand new.

Mitch Smith

Mitch is a 37-year old married father of two. Once he starts projects, he tends to get obsessed with doing a perfect job and thus it becomes hard for him to work in moderation. He also grew up in the early 80's and fondly remembers the arcades. He is painfully aware that arcade games do not last forever and is greatly concerned about his memories becoming lost forever. Therefore, he feels a deep sense to preserve them. Any time a new arcade ROM is dumped, he makes it a point to get it and to store it. To him, it doesn't matter whether a ROM is playable or otherwise usable; he collects all data relating to his past as insurance against it becoming lost forever. He is much like the custodian of a museum, trying to preserve everything as precisely and exactly as it was. He understands that if he can archive content from the arcade era, he is contributing to the effort to preserve it. He takes comfort in this sense of doing his part to help the effort. He very rarely, if ever, plays the games that he collects.

Lester Black

Lester is a 40-year old tech support guru for a small business. His job primarily involves fixing other people's computer problems which he is very good at. He remains single, and as a result, he has plenty of spare time. However, he lives in a small apartment which has limited space. One of his favorite things to do is to tinker with the few arcade games he has managed to cram into his apartment. He isn't too concerned about the games being completely original; in fact, one of his favorite hobbies is to tinker with and modify the games. He has replaced the crusty old sound system in one of his games with a new state of the art sound system so that it sounds better than the original did. He has also installed a battery in one of his games so that it remembers high scores, a feat that the original never did.

Evan Holmes

Evan is a 40-something carpenter. He can build just about anything. He's also quite good at restoring broken-down things. One of his favorite things to do is take old broken arcade games and restore them so they look like new. The worse the shape he gets these "project" games in, the better. He takes satisfaction in showing people "before" and "after" pictures of his work. Once he is done restoring something, he is really done; he moves on to a new project rather than enjoying his finished work. For him, the joy is in the challenge of the restoration. Evan is also pretty fussy about how his finished projects look. They need to look really, really good. If he has to choose between a crappy set of original side art or a flawless reproduction set, he will choose the latter every time.

Interface Considerations

Target Audience

"If you want to achieve product-satisfaction level of 50%, you cannot do it by making a large population 50% happy with your product. You can only accomplish it by singling out 50% of the people and striving to make them 100% happy. It goes further than that. You can create an even bigger success by targeting 10% of your market and working to make them 100% ecstatic. It might seem counter-intuitive, but designing for a single user is the most effective way to satisfy a broad population." --The Inmates Are Running the Asylum page 126.

User Goals

  1. Users want authentic behavior
  2. Users want to be kept informed
  3. Users want things to "just work" (no configuration)
  4. Users want room to grow (beginner, intermediate, and advanced options)
  5. Users want things that are familiar
  6. Users want to explore/experiment (ie make mistakes)
  7. Users don't like to be wrong and don't want to be made to feel stupid.
  8. Users want convenience.
  9. Users want things that last.
  10. Users want instant gratification.

Design based on user goals

  1. Use same interfaces as original hardware
  2. Everything needed to get up and running should be included in the box
  3. Pre-configure PCB to match user preferences
  4. Lots of LEDs on the PCB so that troubleshooting can be done visually (different colored LEDs would make it even easier)
  5. One power plug that matches original interface
  6. Bundle 1 USB stick and 1 SD card in package, with preloaded software
  7. Integrate with Shaun Wood's MultiROM card
  8. Include ethernet and USB extension cables? (so they can be accessed from the coin door)
  9. Minimize writes to flash drives
  10. Keep the user informed about the status of things
  11. Recover gracefully from power outages
  12. (TODO.. instant gratification)
  13. Blinking lights means "thinking/searching", solid lights means "ready", the absence of a light means "error"

ffmpeg tips

Remove VBI from video, remove audio

ffmpeg -i sourcevideo -an -vcodec huffyuv -vf crop=720x480:0:44 outfile.avi

Extract S16LE audio

ffmpeg -i sourcevideo -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 44100 outfile.wav