
Replica scoreboard works!
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Author:  Ethan [ Thu Nov 08, 2001 8:21 am ]
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After many evenings of soldering and Sci-Fi Channel (gotta keep motivation up!), I have finished my replica scoreboard. It works as well as the original on the bench beside it. I can't believe how bright the new MAN 8940s are compared to the 18-year-old ones are on this original scoreboard. LEDs do dim with age (as opposed to burning out like incandescents do), but this is substantial. When I get screen shots, I'll have to do one of each.

I will probably put a write-up with pix on my regular web page for all to enjoy. For now, though, it's on to retrofitting an authentic arcade control panel (from a Galaxians conversion from a Gorf - the operator kept the boards, I bought the cabinet for $75).

When I'm all done, it won't be a "real" D-L cabinet, with the proper marquee and all, but it will be a functional replacement.

I guess I can write this up on the Wish List/Rants page, but I did notice that even with a real scoreboard, I saw scoring glitches - the emulated scoreboard did not match the real one. I'm not sure if this is a problem with noise on my cable, or timing glitches or what. One example is when the Player 2 score should be blank and one, but only one, digit is a 0 or a 9. I don't know how many people are using a real scoreboard, but from looking at the code, I suppose it's possible to glitch the select signal somehow, or to have the 7219D latch the data before it's quieted down. Because I recycled a sync serial cable from a 1980s VAX serial board (They have a DB25M on one end and a 2x40 Berg connector on the other - I have some because I used to make them), my original cable was 25' long and _really_ glitched out. Cutting to 6' makes it more reliable, a tip for those of you considering making your own.

My cost in parts is about $50 for the LEDs, the 7129Ds, the cable/connectors, the perfboard, sockets, header and discrete components. I probably have between 30 and 40 hours total on the scoreboard and cable.

I'm glad it's done. I'm glad it works. Now to write the test app (couldn't compile it at home - I use gcc, even under DOS/Windows).


Author:  Matt Ownby [ Fri Nov 09, 2001 7:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Ethan, that's really awesome that you were able to successfull pull that off! Great job!

Author:  chip [ Tue Nov 20, 2001 1:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Ethan, that's amazing news! I'm looking forward to your write-up! Please post the address when it's ready!

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